and read the article <a href="">'Just say no to oozing'.</a> It has a number of helpfull tricks and tips that can get your printer running great.</p>\n<h2>What you should expect</h2>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>This article will help you adjust the two settings vital to oozing and retraction.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Retraction:</strong> Length on Move</li>\n<li><strong>Speed:</strong> Travel (speed for non-Print moves)</li>\n</ul>", "path": "calibration/retraction-settings", "title": "Retraction Settings", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<h1>MatterControl 2.22.05 (May, 16, 2022)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<p><strong>Support For Holes</strong></p>\n<p>MatterControl now supports Holes. Holes are an intuitive and powerful way to think about designing parts. They create the ability to mark any object in the scene as a negative space. When a hole is combined with another object it will automatically be subtracted.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>The hole object can be dragged to the scene and combined with other objects to make holes</em></p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>Any object can be converted to a hole and it will be subtracted when grouped</em></p>\n<p><strong>Transparent Rendering</strong></p>\n<p>You can now set any part to have transparent rendering to help with modeling and placement.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Fuzzy Surfaces</strong></p>\n<p>Select any part in the scene, right click it and and 'Convert to Fuzzy Region' in the Modify -> Printing menu. With this tool you can now create a fuzzy effect on any surfaces you want.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>Any object can be converted to a region that defines where fuzzy will be applied</em></p>\n<p><strong>Part Settings Object (PRO Tool)</strong></p>\n<p>Now with MatterControl PRO you can create settings for a specific part and save them with it. This is tremendously useful when doing commercial printing or adjusting settings that are specific to a single part. Settings are only saved when using MCX files (MatterControls native format).</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>Settings added to the scene are saved with the design</em></p>\n<p><strong>Additional Improvements</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Boolean operations (combining and subtracting shapes) are dramatically more robust and handle many more conditions</li>\n<li>We now show the output state of Supports, Wipe Towers and Fuzzy objects in property panel</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Bug Fixes</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>G-Code generation of long line segments was not applying leveling correctly</li>\n<li>When switching or adding materials the display did not always update</li>\n<li>Fixed crash when invalid geometry was added to the scene</li>\n<li>Repair tools was not honoring 'weld tolerance' correctly</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.22.04 (April, 4, 2022)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<p><strong>Orthographic Projection</strong></p>\n<p>Orthographic Projection is an important part of many CAD workflows and we are very excited to announce that MatterControl now supports this critical mode. Thanks to fortsnek9348 who earned the $1,736 bounty for contributing this work. There are <a href="">more bounties</a> offered and they do not all require programming.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Materials Library</strong></p>\n<p>With the inclusion of a new materials library you can always find the right material and its settings. Dozens of materials have been tested and added and there are more on the way.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Color Picker</strong></p>\n<p>Now it is easier than ever to set the colors of your design to be just the way you want. We have added a new eye dropper tool to the Color Picker. You can now set the color of one part by selecting another part to copy from.<br />\n</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Additional Improvements</strong><br />\n - Added equations and cell references to component objects. This allows for creating component objects that can then be a part of a larger component.<br />\n - Accelerated the processing of Monotonic infill (as much as 10x faster)<br />\n - Improved Z-Calibration Wizard to have better instructions based on user testing<br />\n - Show progress bars on export to gcode<br />\n - Added 'Max Printing Speed' setting. Limits all printing speeds<br />\n - Improved error and warning messages</p>\n<p><strong>Bug Fixes</strong><br />\n - Improved Monotonic infill pathing<br />\n - Fixed extra segments appearing in air gap bottom layer<br />\n - Make sure initial printing move is at the correct height<br />\n - Validate that all parts are within the printing bounds considering raft, skirt and brim before starting a print<br />\n - Fixed warning and error icons</p>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.22.02 (February, 21, 2022)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Portable MCX file support. MatterControl now has a portable file format so you can easily create, iterate and share all the incredible designs you make. MCX files can even be uploaded so users can get to the source to make changes. <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Improving first time experience and initial setup. MatterControl printer setup just keeps getting butter, but this new version also includes improved workflows for all you designers out there. Now you can easily create and share designs. <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Added multi-line support to Text Tool. One line of text just wasn't enough. Now you can easily switch to multi-line editing to have complete control. <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Added Support for loading 3MF files. 3MF is a great format and becoming more popular. MatterControl can now easily open existing 3MF files. <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Added Right-Click options to toolbar (turn on and off tools). This helps you focus on what you want out of MatterControl. Turn off all the design tools if all you want to do is print, or turn them all on for maximum flexibility. <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>\n<p>Added support for human generated translation. Our fantastic users sometimes submit improvements to our translations and this update helps bring these improvements to everyone.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Bug Fixes</p>\n</li>\n<li>Improved Monotonic infill pathing</li>\n<li>Better CCW outer loops, helps with <a href="">Quantum Filament</a> printing <br />\n<a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>New boolean functions that can handle degenerate geometry <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Improved monotonic path planning <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Ensure perimeter winding always outputs in same direction</li>\n<li>New Resources tab that shows filament buying options <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>\n<p>Added [index] support to radial and advanced arrays</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Bug Fixes</p>\n</li>\n<li>Handle bad icon load</li>\n<li>Scroll bars on wrong side</li>\n<li>Crash when Autopilot added to design tab and bed edited</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.21.10 (October, 7, 2021)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Montonic Infill <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Image Editor Improvements<ul>\n<li>Auto detection of best image mode</li>\n<li>Improved histogram slider <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Added Sliders <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Added the ability to expand and collapse toolbar groups <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>New seam modes <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Library, Save and Bed menus improved <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Added Round to the Cube Object <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>\n<p>Experimental support for auto printing with MatterControl Pro 'Autopilot'<br />\n</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>UI improvements</p>\n</li>\n<li>Added F2 rename to objects and folders</li>\n<li>Added back button support to library</li>\n<li>\n<p>Improved <a href="">Sheet Editor</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Bug Fixes</p>\n</li>\n<li>Web image cache misses</li>\n<li>Fixed bug with culling back faces</li>\n<li>Crash on invalid bounding box</li>\n<li>Bug with wrapping on right side</li>\n<li>Bug with image comparisons</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.21.6 (June, 15, 2021)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Added Experimental [Beta] support for variables <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span><ul>\n<li>A Sheet can be added to the scene and referenced by designs (think Google Sheets or Excel)</li>\n<li>Designs properties can reference cell data</li>\n<li>Add '=' to the start of the line and type in a table cell</li>\n<li>Designs can include equations as well as references</li>\n<li>Add '=' to the start of the line and type in an equation</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Support for Zoom to selection <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Zoom to Selection' alt='Zoom to Selection' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Support for Turntable mode (up always stays up) <br />\n <span><img src='' title='turntable' alt='turntable' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Improved Scale controls <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>\n<p>Firmware Sounds can be disable in printer settings <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>UI improvements</p>\n</li>\n<li>Added new Scene controls <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Image' alt='Image' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Icons match the theme more closely</li>\n<li>Added hints to mouse actions</li>\n<li>\n<p>F2 to rename items</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Bug Fixes</p>\n</li>\n<li>Slicing regression with thin features</li>\n<li>Better pathing while outputting support</li>\n<li>Design Apps rebuilds more consistent</li>\n</ul>\n<p># MatterControl 2.21.5 (May, 10, 2021)<br />\n<a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Zoom to mouse cursor (thanks to visdauas for his <a href="">work) <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Zoom To Cursor' alt='Zoom To Cursor' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Curve Tool now has angle and improve help <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Curve Tool' alt='Curve Tool' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Measure tool shows size <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Measure Tool' alt='Measure Tool' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>New Description Tool <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Description Tool' alt='Description Tool' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>New Edge Controls <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Edge Controls' alt='Edge Controls' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Improved merge overlapping\u00a0 lines in slicer</li>\n<li>More warning messages for bad settings</li>\n<li>\n<p>Measure lines always in front</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Bug Fixes</p>\n</li>\n<li>Parts sheets working again</li>\n<li>Fixed bad moves when path planning supports</li>\n<li>Fixed bad transparency when looking up from the bed</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.21.4 (March, 23, 2021)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Improved dual extrusion wipe tower (mad hollow, primes in center, random edge starts)</li>\n<li>Added plane cut operator</li>\n<li>Allow setting extruder for brim</li>\n<li>\n<p>Adding support for conductive probing</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>UI\u00a0improvements</p>\n</li>\n<li>Added export options to main export\u00a0button <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Export Options' alt='Export Options' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>\n<p>Can move printer tabs (right click menu)\u00a0\u00a0</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Bug Fixes</p>\n</li>\n<li>Made leveling validate cancelable</li>\n<li>Fixd crash with Convex Hull (locking when ungrouping)</li>\n<li>Fixed error with leveling plane on Extruder 2 with dual</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.21.2 (February, 5, 2021)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Made it possible to change material colors</li>\n<li>UI\u00a0improvements</li>\n<li>Added ctrl-a in library views</li>\n<li>New color control <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Color Control' alt='Color Control' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Bug Fixes</li>\n<li>Added try re-connectting to connection error message</li>\n<li>Changing settings details (simple, intermediate, advanced) does not close settings when floating</li>\n<li>Fixed rendering error on recent items</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.20.12 (December, 21, 2020)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Mac\u00a0build\u00a0working\u00a0again</li>\n<li>Custom\u00a0printer\u00a0setup\u00a0wizard</li>\n<li>Set\u00a0baud\u00a0rate\u00a0in\u00a0manual\u00a0printer\u00a0connect\u00a0window</li>\n<li>UI\u00a0improvements</li>\n<li>Improved\u00a0print\u00a0completion\u00a0dialog</li>\n<li>Implemented\u00a0GLFW\u00a0backend</li>\n<li>Improved\u00a0base\u00a0editing</li>\n<li>Bug Fixes</li>\n<li>Fixed\u00a0export\u00a0bug\u00a0with\u00a0G92\u00a0E0</li>\n<li>Circular\u00a0bed\u00a0texture</li>\n<li>Thin\u00a0walls\u00a0fix\u00a0for\u00a0single\u00a0perimeter</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.20.10 (October, 5, 2020)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p>Mac Download - Coming Soon</p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Improved design icons</li>\n<li>Accelerated Slicing</li>\n<li>Icons for Printer Parts libraries</li>\n<li>Added a simple measure tool</li>\n<li>UI improvements</li>\n<li>Better support of high res devices</li>\n<li>Added all supported operations to part right click menu</li>\n<li>Add warning for connected to emulator</li>\n<li>Add warning for bad leveling data</li>\n<li>Bug Fixes</li>\n<li>Fixed slicing issue with fill thin gaps</li>\n<li>Fixed settings update bug with probe offset</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.20.9 (September, 4, 2020)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Features</li>\n<li>Added export as AMF</li>\n<li>Added baby stepping for extruder 2 (Dual Extrusion)</li>\n<li>Printer settings are scanned for for updates to defaults</li>\n<li>UI improvements</li>\n<li>Improve discovery of entering share codes</li>\n<li>Default options for history data notes</li>\n<li>Right click settings menu has more options</li>\n<li>Bug Fixes</li>\n<li>Settings override display always shows correct colors</li>\n<li>Load / Unload ignore extrusion multiplier</li>\n<li>fixed icon color problems</li>\n<li>restore small icon rendering</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.20.8 (August, 4, 2020)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p>Z Offset can be adjusted from progress display <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Z Offset' alt='Z Offset' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Improved Arrange All <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Arrange All' alt='Arrange All' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Added Gyroid infill <br />\n<span><img src='' title='Gyroid Layers' alt='Gyroid Layers' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='Gyroid Settings' alt='Gyroid Settings' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Print History shows printer used and can collect quality data <br />\n<span><img src='' title='History' alt='History' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Pro feature added to export to .csv file</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>UI improvements</p>\n</li>\n<li>Easier to find and create Share Codes</li>\n<li>Easier to enter Share Codes</li>\n<li>Cut / Copy / Past available on all text controls</li>\n<li>Tabs can shrink when too big for tool bar</li>\n<li>Bug Fixes</li>\n<li>First perimeter on 2nd extruder when only material 2 used</li>\n<li>Export X3G does not fail on warning</li>\n<li>Settings name not saved on close</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.20.6 (June, 10, 2020)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Added <a href="">MatterControl Pro Edition</a> upgrade option</li>\n<li>Get MatterHackers Professional Support</li>\n<li>Help support the MatterControl community</li>\n<li>Access to pro only tools</li>\n<li>Unlimited cloud storage</li>\n<li>Added Threads feature</li>\n<li>Added Chinese and Japanese translations</li>\n<li>Better handling of self intersecting and bad winding in parts</li>\n<li>Improved bridging detection and handling</li>\n<li>UI improvements</li>\n<li>Toolbar icon contrast and design</li>\n<li>Design tab sizing</li>\n<li>Layout of properties panel</li>\n<li>TreeView keyboard navigation</li>\n<li>Image Converter weighted centering</li>\n<li>Bug Fixes</li>\n<li>Don\u2019t move to origin at start of print</li>\n<li>Disable Print button while printing</li>\n<li>Heating T1 when only printing support</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.20.4 (April, 4, 2020)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Added Hollow Feature <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Hollow Example' alt='Hollow Example' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='Hollow Menu' alt='Hollow Menu' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>Added Polygon Reduce <br />\n<span><img src='' title='Reduce Options' alt='Reduce Options' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='Reduce Menu' alt='Reduce Menu' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> </li>\n<li>Added Mesh Repair <br />\n <span><img src='' title='Repair Options' alt='Repair Options' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='Repair Menu' alt='Repair Menu' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> </li>\n<li>Put in fully automatic support (legacy support) as an option in addition to new manual support option</li>\n<li>Added Support for gsSlicer (Experimental new slicing engine)</li>\n<li>Bug Fixes</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.19.10 (September, 27, 2019)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Dual Extrusion Improvements<ul>\n<li>Made the default wipe tower round</li>\n<li>Made un-retract after tool change able to be negative</li>\n<li>Made custom wipe towers follow the geometry defined by the user</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Improved ungrouping of mesh (splitting into multiple meshes)<ul>\n<li>Discard degenerate faces</li>\n<li>Discard microscopic discrete features</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Bug Fixes<ul>\n<li>Export STL when no printer has been created</li>\n<li>Export STL on Mac</li>\n<li>Arrange all when no printer has been created and the bed is empty</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.19.7 (July, 15, 2019)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Added search bar for application<ul>\n<li><span><img src='' title='Search' alt='Search' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Improved design tool bar<ul>\n<li>Added grouping to some items</li>\n<li>Added dual align button</li>\n<li>Added Arrange All button</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Nudge items on the bed with arrow keys</li>\n<li>Downloads folder is sorted by date</li>\n<li>Sped up dual extrusion calibration prints</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.19.6 (June, 10, 2019)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Printer setup dramatically improved with new unified experience<ul>\n<li>Show outstanding tasks and progress</li>\n<li>Leveling visualization</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Dual extrusion improvements <ul>\n<li>New Nozzle Calibration Wizard (for calibrating dual extrusion printers)</li>\n<li>Support for custom wipe tower shapes</li>\n<li>Improved support material detection</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>UI improvements<ul>\n<li>Faster updates in Cloud Library folders</li>\n<li>Restore UI on re-open</li>\n<li>Better Keyboard navigation support</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>New error detection and warning system<ul>\n<li>More hardware errors handled</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>Design tools improvements and optimizations<ul>\n<li>New Twist tools </li>\n<li>Improved Curve tool</li>\n<li>Improved Align</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.19.2 (February, 6, 2019)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Fixed bugs with exporting G-Code</li>\n<li>Improved flatten</li>\n<li>Improved Undo support</li>\n<li>Improved design history</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.19.1 (January, 2, 2019)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Versioning: Moving to a (version).(year).(month) version number. Easier to read and more informative.</li>\n<li>Multi-printer control</li>\n<li>A single instance of MatterControl can now run multiple printers simultaneously</li>\n<li>New State-of-the-art Subtract, Combine and Intersection (Window only)</li>\n<li>We now start up with a 'Feature Tour' to help new users find their way</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 2.0.0 (November, 19, 2018)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<h2>Changes</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Design Tools - The ability to 3D model with a complete set of modeling primitives</li>\n<li>Use a primitive to create your own customized supports</li>\n<li>Design Apps - Design Apps: sophisticated customizable designs</li>\n<li>64-bit Processing</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>MatterControl 1.7.5 (August, 14, 2017)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p>If you are looking for the older interface to MatterControl, this is the last stable version without design tools.</p>", "path": "release-notes", "title": "Release Notes", "children": []}, {"content": "<p>MatterControl is an all-in-one desktop 3D printing software application created by MatterHackers, Inc. You can use it to create, organize and manage 3D prints. MatterControl features an intuitive approach to everything you need to do to be successful with 3D printing</p>\n<h1>Sign in</h1>\n<h1>Select or Create Your Printer</h1>\n<ol>\n<li>First you need to select or create your printer <br />\n<span><img src='' title='Select or Create' alt='Select or Create' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>If you have an existing printer your will find it in the list where 'Printers...' is shown <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>You can now select an 'Empty Bed' to connect to your printer and start adding things to plate <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>If you do not have an existing printer your can click the + to create a new one <br />\n<span><img src='' title='Create Printer' alt='Create Printer' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n</ol>\n<h1>Connecting to a Printer</h1>\n<ul>\n<li>Once you have selected your printer and opened it up to an empty bed, MatterControl will automatically help you connect and get your printer configured for your first print.</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>Selecting an Object to Print</h1>\n<p>For your first print we will add Phil-A-Ment (the MatterHackers mascot) to the bed</p>\n<ol>\n<li>You can find him in the library under Calibration Parts <br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n</ol>\n<h1>Starting the Print</h1>\n<ol>\n<li>Now that you have a part on the Bed you can click 'Print' <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li>This will show the quick printing options, don't worry about these for now.</li>\n<li>Click 'Start Print'</li>\n</ol>\n<p><strong>You should now be up and printing</strong></p>\n<h1>Getting Back to Help</h1>\n<ul>\n<li>You can come back to the help at any time by clicking on the 'MatterControl' menu and selecting 'Help'. <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n</ul>\n<h1>Getting Help With Shortcuts</h1>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>", "path": "quick-start", "title": "Quick Start", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1><a class='article-link' data-path='whats-new.mdrelease-notes' href='/mattercontrol/support/whats-new.mdrelease-notes'>Complete Release Notes</a></h1>\n<p>You can find the complete release notes <a class='article-link' data-path='whats-new.mdrelease-notes' href='/mattercontrol/support/whats-new.mdrelease-notes'>here/n
MatterControl 2.22.04 (April, 4, 2022)</h1>\n<p><a href="">Windows Download</a></p>\n<p><a href="">Mac Download</a></p>\n<p><strong>Support For Holes</strong></p>\n<p>MatterControl now supports Holes. Holes are an intuitive and powerful way to think about designing parts. They create the ability to mark any object in the scene as a negative space. When a hole is combined with another object it will automatically be subtracted.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>The hole object can be dragged to the scene and combined with other objects to make holes</em></p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>Any object can be converted to a hole and it will be subtracted when grouped</em></p>\n<p><strong>Transparent Rendering</strong></p>\n<p>You can now set any part to have transparent rendering to help with modeling and placement.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Fuzzy Surfaces</strong></p>\n<p>Select any part in the scene, right click it and and 'Convert to Fuzzy Region' in the Modify -> Printing menu. With this tool you can now create a fuzzy effect on any surfaces you want.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>Any object can be converted to a region that defines where fuzzy will be applied</em></p>\n<p><strong>Part Settings Object (PRO Tool)</strong></p>\n<p>Now with MatterControl PRO you can create settings for a specific part and save them with it. This is tremendously useful when doing commercial printing or adjusting settings that are specific to a single part. Settings are only saved when using MCX files (MatterControls native format).</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><em>Settings added to the scene are saved with the design</em></p>\n<p><strong>Additional Improvements</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Boolean operations (combining and subtracting shapes) are dramatically more robust and handle many more conditions</li>\n<li>We now show the output state of Supports, Wipe Towers and Fuzzy objects in property panel</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Bug Fixes</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>G-Code generation of long line segments was not applying leveling correctly</li>\n<li>When switching or adding materials the display did not always update</li>\n<li>Fixed crash when invalid geometry was added to the scene</li>\n<li>Repair tools was not honoring 'weld tolerance' correctly</li>\n</ul>", "path": "whats-new", "title": "What's New", "children": []}, {"content": "<h2>The MatterControl Library</h2>\n<p>Within the Library folder you will find a wide range of printable content, things like:<br />\n- Design Apps<br />\n- Local Library<br />\n- The Downloads folder<br />\n- Your Cloud Library<br />\n- Calibration Parts<br />\n- and more...</p>\n<h2>Extending the Downloads folder</h2>\n<p>If you are looking to add links to other folders on your hard\u00a0drive you can easily add a file named [any name].library to your downloads folders and it will show up when you look in the Downloads folder.</p>\n<p>To create a link to a local folder:<br />\n- Add a file named C Drive.library (any name will work as long as the extension is .library)<br />\n- Edit the file and write the following into it<br />\n<pre><code>{<br />\n\u00a0 \"type\": \"local\",<br />\n\u00a0 \"path\": \"C:\\\"<br />\n}</code></pre></p>\n<p>You can also create a link to a GitHub repository:<br />\n- Add a file named Benchy.library (you can change the name to anything)<br />\n- Edit the file and write the following into it <br />\n<pre><code>{<br />\n\u00a0 \"type\": \"GitHub\",<br />\n\u00a0 \"owner\": \"CreativeTools\",<br />\n\u00a0 \"repository\": \"3DBenchy\",<br />\n\u00a0 \"path\": \"\"<br />\n}</code></pre></p>", "path": "library/index", "title": "Library", "children": []}, {"content": "<ul>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/creating-new-objects' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/creating-new-objects'>Creating New Objects</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/add-existing-objects' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/add-existing-objects'>Adding Existing Objects</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/editing-objects' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/editing-objects'>Editing Objects</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-apps/index' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-apps/index'>Design Apps</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-primitives/index' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-primitives/index'>Design Primitives</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-primitives/text-tool' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-primitives/text-tool'>Text Tool</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-primitives/image-converter' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-primitives/image-converter'>Image Converter</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-primitives/braille-tool' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-primitives/braille-tool'>Braille Tool</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/pro-tools/index' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/pro-tools/index'>Pro Tools</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/pro-tools/gear-creator' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/pro-tools/gear-creator'>Gear Creator</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/pro-tools/threds-creator' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/pro-tools/threds-creator'>Threads Creator</a></li>\n</ul>\n<h2><a href="">Read More On</a></h2>", "path": "designing/index", "title": "Designing", "children": [{"content": "<p>MatterControl includes all the things you need to create your ideas - out of the box!</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='2018-07-02 10_46_48-start' alt='2018-07-02 10_46_48-start' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>With these simple primitives and the included tools you can create anything you can imagine.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Cube <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li><strong>Width:</strong> Set the size in X</li>\n<li><strong>Depth:</strong> Set the size in Y</li>\n<li><strong>Height:</strong> Set the size in Z</li>\n<li>Pyramid <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li><strong>Width:</strong> Set the size in X</li>\n<li><strong>Depth:</strong> Set the size in Y</li>\n<li><strong>Height:</strong> Set the size in Z</li>\n<li>Half Wedge <br />\n <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></li>\n<li><strong>Width:</strong> Set the size in X</li>\n<li><strong>Depth:</strong> Set the size in Y</li>\n<li><strong>Height:</strong> Set the size in Z</li>\n<li>Text <br />\n <span><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-primitives/text-tool' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-primitives/text-tool'> Image Converter</a> <br />\n <span><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-primitives/image-converter' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-primitives/image-converter'> Read More About Design Apps on</a></h2>", "path": "designing/design-apps/index", "title": "Design Apps", "children": []}, {"content": "<p>MatterControl allows you to create and design parts. It include everything you need to get your ideas into reality with a complete set of tools to help you realize your ideas.</p>\n<h2>Primitives</h2>\n<p><span><a class='article-link' data-path='designing/design-primitives/index' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/design-primitives/index'> Gear Creator</a> and <a href="">Threads Creator</a> are included with <a href="">MatterControl Pro</a>.</p>\n<p>You can find them in Pro Tools folder in your library.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='Pro Tools Location' alt='Pro Tools Location' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<h2>Read More On <a href="">", "path": "designing/pro-tools/index", "title": "Pro Tools", "children": []}, {"content": "<p>Click on any of the scale corner controls to scale your part on the bed.</p>\n<h1>Scaling Objects in the 3D view</h1>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>", "path": "designing/scale-controls", "title": "Scale Controls", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<p>MatterControl has a rich set of controls that you can use to manually control your printer's function and make adjustments during printing</p>\n<p>You can find the manual controls on the far right after selecting and opening a printer.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<h1>Movement</h1>\n<p>The Movement section of the Controls pane allows the user to manually move the printer nozzle(s), and extrude and retract filament when no print is active. This section also serves as fine movement adjustment during an active print.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>The homing controls allow you to home one or all axes (move it to the starting position). The <strong>Release</strong> button disables power to the motors, allowing you to move the printer by hand. You can select how far you want the printer to move. The printers current coordinates are shown on the bottom. You can adjust the speeds that the printer will move at by clicking the pencil icon <img alt=\"Pencil-edit.png\" src="" title=\"Pencil-edit.png\" />.</p>\n<h2>Live Adjustment While Printing</h2>\n<p>While your printing is running you can use the Z+ and Z- buttons to adjust the height of the nozzle. This allows you to tune the height for a good first layer without having to restart the print. The current Z Offset is shown at the top of the Movement section. This is remembered for future prints. After printing, you can clear the Z offset by clicking the X.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<h2>Keyboard Controls</h2>\n<p>Clicking the keyboard icon <img alt=\"Keyboard\u0002klzzwxh:0011\u0003icon.png\" src="" title=\"Keyboard_icon.png\" /> allows you to move the printer with your keyboard.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<!---\n| Function | Key |\n| -------- | --------- |\n| Home All | Home |\n| Home X | X |\n| Home Y | Y |\n| Home Z | Z |\n| X+ | \u2190 |\n| X- | \u2192 |\n| Y+ | \u2191 |\n| Y- | \u2193 |\n| Z+ | Page Up |\n| Z- | Page Down |\n| E+ | E |\n| E- | R |\n--->\n\n<h1>Calibration</h1>\n<p>The calibration section of the controls allows you to manage MatterControl's software print leveling feature. Software print leveling is only available on printers which do not use their own form of automatic print leveling.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>Click the pencil icon <img alt=\"Pencil-edit.png\" src="" title=\"Pencil-edit.png\" /> to view or edit the print leveling data.</p>\n<h2>Bed Leveling</h2>\n<p>Click the gear icon to open the Print Leveling Wizard. It will guide you through taking measurements of the height of the bed at various points.</p>\n<p>Use the toggle switch to enable or disable software print leveling. Some printers are not capable of manual leveling. In this case, software print leveling cannot be disabled.</p>\n<h2>Calibrate Probe Offset</h2>\n<p>Click the gear icon to measure the offset between your printer's probe and the nozzle. This feature is not available if your printer does not have a leveling probe.</p>\n<p><a class='article-link' data-path='printer-controls/macros' href='/mattercontrol/support/printer-controls/macros'>Macros/n
Macros are snippets of saved G-Code which can be called with the click of a button instead of having to be typed repeatedly.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>See the article on <a class='article-link' data-path='printer-controls/macros' href='/mattercontrol/support/printer-controls/macros'>Macros for more information.</p>\n<h1>Fan</h1>\n<p>The fan control lets you turn the printer's layer cooling fan on and off, and also set the speed.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>You can adjust the fan speed during printing, however your adjustment will only last until the next fan speed change encountered in the G-Code.</p>\n<p>If your printer does not have a layer cooling fan then this control is not shown.</p>\n<h1>Power Control</h1>\n<p>If the printer's controller board supports it then this section allows for direct control of the printer's PSU.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<h1>Tuning Adjustment</h1>\n<p>Allows for on-the-fly adjustment of speed and extrusion during a print.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>These settings are reset to 1.0 whenever MatterControl is restarted.</p>\n<h2>Speed Multiplier</h2>\n<p>The speed multiplier can be used to speed up or slow down a print. The speed multiplier applies to all types of moves. The lowest possible setting is 0.25 and the highest possible is 3.0.</p>\n<h2>Extrusion Multiplier</h2>\n<p>During an active print, the extrusion multiplier modifies the extrusion flow rate, allowing you to increase or decrease the amount of plastic laid down.</p>\n<p>This variable is different from that of the Extrusion Multiplier slice setting and will work in conjunction with it. For example, if the slicer setting is set at 1.06 and then the slider in Controls is used during the print and set to 1.08, the total result will be a multiplier of 1.1448 (1.06 * 1.08).</p>\n<h1>Firmware Updates</h1>\n<p>If your printer has an Arduino Mega 2560 based microcontroller, you can use the firmware updater to upload new firmware to it.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>If your printer is officially supported by MatterHackers (for instance the Pulse), the firmware updater will automatically check your firmware version and alert you if an update is available. Click the <strong>Update</strong> button to do an automatic update.</p>\n<p>You can also update the firmware on other printers but you will need to acquire a firmware image from the printer's manufacturer. The firmware image must be a compiled <code>.hex</code> file. Click the <strong>Change</strong> button to select a firmware image file.</p>\n<p>The firmware updater will automatically make a backup of your printer's old firmware before uploading the new firmware. If the new firmware has problems, you can click the <strong>Revert</strong> button to flash the backed up firmware.</p>\n<p>The firmware updater does <em>not</em> require MatterControl to successfully connect to your printer in order to function. This allows you to upload new firmware to a printer which currently has corrupted firmware or no firmware at all.</p>", "path": "printer-controls/index", "title": "Printer Controls", "children": [{"content": "<p>Macros are snippets of saved G-Code which can be called with the click of a button instead of having to be typed repeatedly.</p>\n<p>The Macros section of the <a class='article-link' data-path='printer-controls/index' href='/mattercontrol/support/printer-controls/index'>Controls pane</a> is where the user creates and<br />\nstores these macros.</p>\n<p>To learn more about G-Code and its utility in 3D printing, check out this resource: <a href="">
G-Code command(s) in this field. The G-Code commands will be sent to the printer. In addition to standard G-Code, macros support these other features</p>\n<ul>\n<li>You can add comments to the code using a semicolon <code>;</code>. Comments will not be sent to the printer.</li>\n<li>You can use brackets <code>[]</code> to insert G-Code replacement variables.</li>\n<li>You can use <code>; host.</code> commands to script events in MatterControl. This is described below.</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>Macro Scripting</h1>\n<p>In addition to the G-Code commands sent to the printer, macros allow you to script events on the host side, within MatterControl itself. This allows you to display messages or ask for input from the user. These functions are called by using commands within the G-Code comments.</p>\n<h2>Syntax</h2>\n<p>To use a macro scripting command, begin the line with the following statement:</p>\n<p><code>; host.</code></p>\n<p>Then add a command and any applicable parameters.</p>\n<p><code>command(parameter:\"value\")\"</code></p>\n<p>The result should look something like this:</p>\n<p><code>; host.show_message(title:\"Waiting for extruder to heat to\n[temperature].\")</code></p>\n<h2>Commands</h2>\n<h3>ding()</h3>\n<p>Play a bell sound.</p>\n<h3>show_message()</h3>\n<p>Shows the specified message. This command takes the following parameters.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<!---\n| Parameter | Description | Example |\n| --------- | ----------- | ------- |\n| title | Main text to show | `title:\"Trim Filament\"` |\n| markdown | The contents of the message in Markdown formatted text. May contain images from the internet. Use <br> for line breaks | <code>markdown:\"Trim the end of the filament to ensure a good load.<br>\\!\\[\\]\\(\\)<br>Make sure you trim it at a slight angle.\"</code> |\n| wait_ok | Script execution will wait for the user to click 'Continue' | `wait_ok:\"true\"` |\n| repeat_gcode | G-Code to repeat until expire time reached. Lines can be separated with a `\\|`. | `repeat_gcode:\"G1 E.1 F150\\|G4 P10\"` |\n| expire | The max amount of time to run repeat_gcode or show this message (seconds) | `expire:\"300\"` |\n| count_down | Show a timer counting down from this time | `count_down:\"28\"` |\n--->\n\n<h3>choose_material()</h3>\n<p>Shows the choose material window. This command takes the following parameters.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<!---\n| Parameter | Description | Example |\n| --------- | ----------------- | ----------------------- |\n| title | Main text to show | `title:\"Trim Filament\"` |\n--->\n\n<h2>Example Script</h2>\n<p>The following is an example of a script used for loading filament:</p>\n<pre><code>; host.choose_material(title:\"Choose the material that you are loading.\")\n\nM104 S[temperature] ; start heating up the extruder\n\n; host.show_message(title:\"Trim the end of the filament to ensure a good load.\", image:\"\", wait_ok:\"true\")\n\nM302 S0 ; Allow extrusion at any temperature\nG91 ; Relative positioning\n; host.show_message(title:\"Put filament into extruder and click Continue.\", repeat_gcode:\"G1 E.1 F150|G4 P10\", expire:\"90\", image:\"\")\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\n; host.show_message(title:\"Loading filament...\", count_down:\"28\")\nG92 E0 ; reset the extruder position to 0\nG91 ; Relative positioning\nG1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament \nG1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament \nG1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament \nG1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament \nG1 E100 F1200 ; extrude the filament \nG4 S1 ; wait for move to finish\n\nM302 S150 ; Set cold extrude temp back to reasonable\n; host.show_message(title:\"Waiting for extruder to heat to [temperature].\")\nM109 S[temperature] ; heat up the extruder\n\n; extrude slowly so that we can prime the extruder\n; host.show_message(title:\"Click 'Continue' when filament is running cleanly.\", repeat_gcode:\"G1 E1 F300|G4 P10\", expire:\"90\")\n\nG4 S1 ; wait for move to finish\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\nG92 E0 ; reset the extruder position to 0\n\nM104 S0 ; turn the extruder temperature off</code></pre>", "path": "printer-controls/macros", "title": "Macros", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1>Hot End Controls</h1>\n<p>From the hotend control, you can:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Select Material</li>\n<li>Set Temperature</li>\n<li>Move Print Head</li>\n<li>Load and Unload Filament</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Hotend and Extruder Controls</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='Hotend Controls' alt='Hotend Controls' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>", "path": "printer-controls/hotend-controls", "title": "Hotend and Extruder Controls", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<ul>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='printing/adding-new-printer' href='/mattercontrol/support/printing/adding-new-printer'>Adding a New Printer</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='printing/selecting-a-printer' href='/mattercontrol/support/printing/selecting-a-printer'>Selecting a Printer</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='printing/loading-and-changing-filament' href='/mattercontrol/support/printing/loading-and-changing-filament'>Loading and Changing Filament</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='printing/../designing/add-existing-objects' href='/mattercontrol/support/designing/add-existing-objects'>Add Existing Objects</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='printing/starting-a-print' href='/mattercontrol/support/printing/starting-a-print'>Starting a Print</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='printing/../slice-settings/index' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/index'>Slice Settings</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='printing/../calibration/index' href='/mattercontrol/support/calibration/index'>Calibration/n
/n", "path": "slice-settings/adhesion/index", "title": "Adhesion", "children": [{"content": "<p>A brim is an expansion of the first layer of your print. It consists of a series of extra loops connected to the print around the first layer.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>The purpose of a brim is to provide better bed adhesion by giving the print more area to stick to the bed. If a print has a very small contact area with the bed it can be dislodged during printing.</p>\n<p>A brim can also help with large print which are prone to warping and peeling in the corners. The brim helps hold the corners down and prevents this from happening.</p>\n<p>A brim must be sliced off after printing. This can be done easily with a hobby knife or a deburring tool.</p>\n<h1>Distance or Loops</h1>\n<p>The number of brim loops to draw. Alternatively, you can also specify the thickness of the brim in millimeters. A larger brim will provide better bed adhesion.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 8 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> count or millimeters (mm)</p>", "path": "slice-settings/adhesion/brim", "title": "Brim", "children": []}, {"content": "<p>A raft is a removable layer printed underneath your object.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>A raft can serve two purposes.</p>\n<ol>\n<li>\n<p>It provides better bed adhesion for difficult materials. The raft uses very thick lines on the bottom, which allow help it stick to the bed. The object you are printing will stick to the raft well because they are made of the same material.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>It can help if you are having difficulty with bed leveling. Because the first layer of the raft is much thicker than normal, it allows for more variation in the height of the bed. </p>\n</li>\n</ol>\n<p>In both of these cases the raft should be considered a last resort. Rafts take a long time to print, waste a lot of material, and result in a rougher finish on the bottom of your print. In addition, it is tricky to get the raft settings right so that it can be easily removed when the print is finished.</p>\n<p>The best solution for bed adhesion is to <a href="">find a bed surface that works better</a> with the material you are printing. For leveling problems, you should try using MatterControl's software print leveling first.</p>\n<h1>Expand Distance</h1>\n<p>This is how far the raft will extend beyond the edge of your print. Making a larger raft will provide more adhesion and help prevent warping.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 3 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Air Gap</h1>\n<p>The distance between the top of the raft and the first layer of your print. The ideal raft provides good bed adhesion while printing and then easily peels off once finished. The Air Gap determines how easy it is to peel the raft off your part. Too much of a gap and your part may not stick well to the raft. Too little, and the raft will be very difficult to remove. Material, nozzle diameter, and layer height all affect the results. A good starting point is \u00bd your nozzle diameter. So, if you have a .4mm nozzle, start with a 0.2mm Air Gap. In general, materials with excellent interlayer adhesion \u2013 like nylon and Ninjaflex \u2013 require a larger air gap.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0.2 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm) <br />\n<strong>See Also:</strong> <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/adhesion/../support/advanced#air-' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/advanced#air-'>Support Air Gap</a></p>\n<h1>Raft Extruder</h1>\n<p><em>This option is only available if your printer has multiple extruders</em></p>\n<p>The extruder to use for printing your raft. This allows you to choose which material your raft will be made of. Generally it is best to make the raft with dissolvable support material, if you have it. Extruders are numbered starting with <code>1</code>. If you set this option to <code>0</code> then it will automatically use your <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/adhesion/../support/advanced#support-material-extru' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/advanced#support-material-extru'>support material extruder</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> extruder index <br />\n<strong>See Also:</strong> <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/adhesion/../support/advanced#support-material-extru' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/advanced#support-material-extru'>Support Material Extruder</a></p>", "path": "slice-settings/adhesion/raft", "title": "Raft", "children": []}, {"content": "<p>A skirt is a couple of loops drawn around the outside of the first layer of a print. They are sometimes also referred to as priming loops.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>This is the very first thing that is printed. It is used to prime the nozzle and also allows you to check your leveling and nozzle height before the actual print begins. When the skirt is printing, it is a good time to adjust your nozzle height using <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/adhesion/../../printer-controls#movem' href='/mattercontrol/support/printer-controls#movem'>babystepping</a>.</p>\n<h1>Distance or Loops</h1>\n<p>The number of skirt loops to draw. Alternatively, you can also specify the thickness of the skirt in millimeters.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 3 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> count or millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Distance From Object</h1>\n<p>The gap between the skirt and the print.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 3 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Minimum Extrusion Length</h1>\n<p>The minimum length of filament to use to draw the skirt. Enough loops will be drawn to use this amount of filament. This takes precedence over the number of loops. This is the measurement of the filament going into the extruder, not the length of the loops being extruded. We recommend setting this to the length of your hot end's hot zone.</p>\n<p>We recommend using a high minimum extrusion length and few loops. This ensures that you do not waste too much time printing skirt loops on large prints, but also get enough priming on small prints.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 5 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>", "path": "slice-settings/adhesion/skirt", "title": "Skirt", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<ul>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/filament' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/filament'>Filament/n
/n", "path": "slice-settings/filament/index", "title": "Filament", "children": [{"content": "<h1>Extruder Wipe Temperature</h1>\n<p>This setting is only for printers which have a nozzle wiping procedure that is done before printing. It is the temperature that the nozzle will be heated to before wiping. The wiping procedure must be scripted in the printer's <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/../../printer-settings/gcode/gcode#start-gc' href='/mattercontrol/support/printer-settings/gcode/gcode#start-gc'>Start G-Code</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 145 \u00b0C <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> \u00b0C <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>extruder_wipe_temperature</code></p>\n<h1>Bed Remove Part Temperature</h1>\n<p><em>This option is only available if your printer has a heated bed</em></p>\n<p>The temperature to which the bed will heat (or cool) in order to remove the print. This setting is only for printers which are set up to hold the bed at a certain temperature after a print. This must be scripted in the printer's <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/../../printer-settings/gcode/gcode#end-gc' href='/mattercontrol/support/printer-settings/gcode/gcode#end-gc'>End G-Code</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 50 \u00b0C <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> \u00b0C <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>bed_remove_part_temperature</code></p>\n<h1>Extrusion Multiplier</h1>\n<p>This setting can be used to purposely extruder more or less material than normal. If you find that your prints are overextruded or underextruded, you can use the extrusion multiplier to correct this. Beware that using this setting should only be considered a stopgap measure, not a final solution. Overextrusion and underextrusion is a sign that some other setting is wrong or there is some problem with the printer. Most likely you should try <a href="">calibrating your extruder</a>.</p>\n<p>The extrusion can also be adjusted on-the-fly using the tuning adjustments on the controls page. Beware that the tuning adjustment is a separate setting and will be compounded with this setting.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 1.0 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> decimal<br />\n</p>\n<h1>First Layer</h1>\n<p>Controls the width of the lines for the first layer of the print. Increasing this value will cause the lines to be wider and also spaced out farther, so there will be no overextrusion. Using this can help with bed adhesion, since fatter lines will have more surface area to stick to the bed.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 100% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm) or percent of nozzle diameter<br />\n</p>\n<h1>Outside Perimeters</h1>\n<p>Controls the line width of the outside perimeter loops. Can be useful to fine-adjust actual print size when objects print larger or smaller than specified in the digital model.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 100% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm) or percent of nozzle diameter<br />\n</p>", "path": "slice-settings/filament/advanced", "title": "Advanced", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1>Diameter</h1>\n<p>The diameter of the filament you are printing with. This is normally either 1.75 mm or 2.85 mm.</p>\n<p>Even though the filament is made to be a certain diameter, in reality it can vary by \u00b10.1 mm. Any variation in the diameter of the filament will cause slight overextrusion or underextrusion. This can have a major impact on the dimensional accuracy of the objects you are printing. Because of this, we recommend actually measuring the filament you are using with a set of calipers. </p>\n<p>The diameter of the filament can also vary along the length of a single spool, so it is best to measure the filament in several different spots and take an average.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 1.75 mm or 2.85 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>filament_diameter</code></p>\n<h1>Density</h1>\n<p>The density of the material you are printing, in g/cm\u00b3. This setting has no effect on slicing. It is only used to estimate the mass and cost of the material used for a print. These estimates are shown in the layer view.</p>\n<p>Densities for common materials are listed here. If you have a specialty material, you should be able to get the density from the manufacturer's technical specifications.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<!---\n| Material | Density (g/cm\u00b3) |\n| -------- | --------------- |\n| PLA | 1.24 |\n| PETG | 1.27 |\n| ABS | 1.04 |\n| Nylon | 1.14 |\n| TPU | 1.20 |\n| HIPS | 1.05 |\n| PVA | 1.23 |\n--->\n\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> g/cm\u00b3</p>\n<h1>Cost</h1>\n<p>The cost of one kilogram of filament. This setting has no effect on slicing. It is used to estimate the cost of a print, which is shown in the layer view. If this value is set to 0, then the estimate will not be shown.</p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> $/kg</p>\n<h1>Extruder Temperature</h1>\n<p>The temperature of the hot end. This setting can also be found in the extruder controls. If the hot end is on, changing this setting will have an immediate effect.</p>\n<p>Each type of filament extrudes at a different temperature. See our <a href="">Filament Comparison Guide</a> for recommended settings for different materials. It is important to remember that these recommendations are just a starting point, and you may have to experiment to find the best temperature for your particular filament and printer. See this article on <a href="">adjusting your settings to get the best flow</a>.</p>\n<p>Higher temperatures will improve interlayer adhesion, making the print stronger. The plastic will also be able to flow better, but this will also increase stringing and oozing. If the temperature is too high, then the materials will start to burn and may jam your hot end.</p>\n<p>Lower temperatures will make the plastic more viscous, which can reduce or eliminate stringing and oozing. It can also improve detail slightly. However it will also make the material harder to extrude. Too low and the plastic will not extrude at all. Lower temperatures will also reduce how well the layers bond to each other, making the print weaker and also causing splitting between the layers.</p>\n<p>There are a number of other factors which will affect the proper printing temperature as well.</p>\n<p>Each type of printer is different, and may be slightly better or worse at transferring heat to the filament. Different types of printers may also read different temperatures in the same situation due to different placement of the sensor.</p>\n<p>Even among the same types of material, different spools may require different temperatures because they are different colors or are made by different brands. We have noticed that the lighter colors (especially white) use the most pigment, and so may need to be printed slightly hotter than others.</p>\n<p>You may also need to increase the temperature in high flow situations. For instance, printing exceptionally fast or using a very large nozzle.</p>\n<p><em>Multi Extrusion Printers:</em> The temperatures for each hot end can be set separately using the extruder controls. </p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> \u00b0C <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>temperature</code></p>\n<h1>Bed Temperature</h1>\n<p><em>This option is only available if your printer has a heated bed</em></p>\n<p>The temperature of the heated bed. This setting can also be found in the bed controls. If the bed is on, changing this setting will have an immediate effect.</p>\n<p>Heating, along with a proper bed surface, is essential for ensuring that your prints stick to the bed. All plastic undergoes thermal contraction, to varying degrees. This causes prints to shrink, warp, and peel up off of the bed as they cool. In order to prevent this, most printers are equipped with a heated bed in order to keep the print warm until it is finished.</p>\n<p>The ideal bed temperature is different for each type of filament. See our <a href="">Filament Comparison Guide</a> for recommended settings for different materials. It is important to remember that these recommendations are just a starting point, and you may have to experiment to find the best temperature for your particular filament and printer. Generally, the bed temperature should be close to the material's glass transition temperature.</p>\n<p>If this setting is set to 0 then bed heating will not be used.</p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> \u00b0C <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>bed_temperature</code></p>", "path": "slice-settings/filament/filament", "title": "Filament", "children": []}, {"content": "<p><em>This section is only available if your printer has a layer cooling fan</em></p>\n<p>Adequate cooling is very important for achieving high quality prints. A layer cooling fan is used to cool off the plastic as soon as it comes out of the nozzle. This ensures that it hardens quickly and holds it's shape. If a layer above is being printed while the layer below is still soft, it will deform. If you have inadequate cooling it will be most apparent on overhangs and sharp corners. Overhangs will tend to curl up and become very messy underneath. Sharp corners will become rounded and blunt.</p>\n<p>Fan settings are heavily dependent on the material you are printing. Some materials, like PLA, respond very well to cooling. For PLA you will want the fan running basically all the time. However, other materials do not react well to cooling. For instance, with ABS it can cause the layers to split apart from each other (delamination). In this case you only want to use the fan when absolutely necessary.</p>\n<p>MatterControl controls the speed of your layer cooling fan based on how long each layer will take to print. Layers with a small area will take less time to print. Thus, there will be less time for them to cool off and harden before the layer above is printed. So more fan power will be necessary. MatterControl's layer view will show you how long a particular layer takes to print, and the fan speed used for that layer.</p>\n<p>This graph shows an example fan speed profile.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<h1>Turn On If Below</h1>\n<p>This is the maximum layer time where the layer cooling fan will be activated. The fan will run at the <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#minimum-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#minimum-sp'>minimum speed</a> if a layer takes this long to print. In the example above this setting is 180 seconds.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline for PLA:</strong> 180 s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> seconds (s)</p>\n<h1>Run Max If Below</h1>\n<p>This is the maximum layer time where the layer cooling fan will run at <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#macimum-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#macimum-sp'>maximum speed</a>. If a layer takes longer than this to print, the fan will still run but it will be throttled down. In the example above this setting is 60 seconds.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline for PLA:</strong> 60 s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> seconds (s)</p>\n<h1>Minimum Speed</h1>\n<p>This is the lowest speed the fan will go when it is turned on. If not enough power is applied to the fan, it will not turn on at all. For this reason, most printers are not capable of running their fan at very low speeds. This should be set to the minimum speed that you know your fan will work at. If you are unsure, you may try experimenting with different fan speeds using the <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/../../printer-controls#' href='/mattercontrol/support/printer-controls#'>manual controls</a> to see how high you have to go before the fan starts spinning.</p>\n<p>In the example above the minimum fan speed is 30%.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 30% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> percent (%) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>min_fan_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Maximum Speed</h1>\n<p>This is the fastest speed the fan will go when it is turned on. This should be set to 100% unless you have an extremely powerful fan.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline</strong>: 100% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> percent (%) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>max_fan_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Bridging Fan Speed</h1>\n<p>This is the fan speed that will be used during <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/speed#brid' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/speed#brid'>bridging</a>. This overrides the other fan speed settings. In most cases you will want to use as much cooling as possible during bridging in order to make sure that the lines harden as soon as possible. This draws them tight (due to thermal contraction) and prevents them from drooping.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 100% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> percent (%) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>bridge_fan_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Disable Fan For The First</h1>\n<p>The number of layers at the start of the print where the fan will not be turned on. Generally, for materials that require layer cooling, it\u2019s a good idea to disable for the first layer in order to ensure good bed adhesion.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 1 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> count</p>", "path": "slice-settings/filament/fan", "title": "Fan", "children": []}, {"content": "<p>Retraction is a technique used to prevent plastic from leaking out of the nozzle when the printer is making a <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/../speed/speed#tra' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/speed#tra'>travel move</a>. By pulling the filament back slightly, the chamber pressure in the melt zone of the hot end is relieved. This prevents oozing and stringing, however it cannot eliminate it completely. See this article on <a href="">how to tune your retraction settings</a>.</p>\n<p>Retractions are visible in the layer view. Red circles indicate a retraction and blue circles indicate an unretraction. The size of the circle is proportional to the length of the retraction.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<h1>Retract Length</h1>\n<p>The distance the filament will be pulled back. The ideal distance varies from one hot end to another. The longer the retraction, the more the oozing will be reduced, but only up to a point. Beyond that you will see diminishing returns and increased risk of jamming. This is because retracting too far will pull molten plastic into the cold zone, where it can solidify.</p>\n<p>Generally, bowden extruder will need more retraction than direct feed extruders due to the backlash in the tube.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 3 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>retract_length</code></p>\n<h1>Extra Length On Restart</h1>\n<p>After the travel move, the filament will be unretracted (pushed back to the same place it was before). However, during the travel it is still likely that a small amount of plastic will have leaked from the nozzle. This means that the nozzle may not be fully primed when it starts extruding again. This can cause some gaps or unevenness in your print. The Extra Length On Restart option compensates for this by extruding a small amount of extra material in addition to the normal unretract, thus making up for whatever material may have leaked.</p>\n<p>This setting will depend on the material you are printing, since some materials are runnier than others (less viscous) and will leak more.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)<br />\n</p>\n<h1>Time For Extra Length</h1>\n<p>During a travel move, the plastic does not leak from the nozzle all at once. It happens over time. There will be more leakage during a long travel move than a short one. Therefor, more extra extrusion will need to be done after a long move in order to reprime the nozzle.</p>\n<p>This setting allows you to control how much extra extrusion is done on restart based on how long the travel move took. This setting is the amount of time it take for the nozzle to fully drain. Any moves that take less than this time will get proportionally less Extra Length On Restart. If zero, the full length will always be used.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> seconds (s)</p>\n<h1>Speed</h1>\n<p>The speed the extruder will move to retract the filament.</p>\n<p>This should be the maximum speed your extruder is capable of. This should be fast so that the pressure is relieved as fast as possible and so that the nozzle does not linger in one spot too long while the retraction is happening. This can leave a blob.</p>\n<p>However, going to fast will cause the motor to skip steps.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 35 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per seconds (mm/s) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>retract_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Z Lift</h1>\n<p>This function lifts the nozzle during retraction, which ensures that the nozzle will not be dragged across the top of the print during travel moves.</p>\n<p>Generally Z Lift should not be used, however sometimes it may be beneficial to set it to 1 or 2 layer thicknesses (0.2 - 0.4 mm). This reduces the likelihood of the nozzle colliding with any buildups of plastic while traveling, which can cause layer shifting. It will also stop the clunk-clunk-clunk noise as the nozzle crosses over the infill.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)<br />\n</p>\n<h1>Minimum Travel Requiring Retraction</h1>\n<p>This is one of several settings that control when retractions will be performed. This setting prevents retractions from being done on short travel moves. It sets the minimum travel distance where a retraction will definitely be performed. However, retractions may still be done for shorter travel moves depending on the conditions. <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#retract-when-changing-isla' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#retract-when-changing-isla'>Retract When Changing Islands</a> takes precedence over this setting.</p>\n<p>Generally you should have <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#retract-when-changing-isla' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#retract-when-changing-isla'>Retract When Changing Islands</a> and <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/../general/layers-surface#avoid-crossing-perimet' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/layers-surface#avoid-crossing-perimet'>Avoid Crossing Perimeters</a> turned on. In this case, this setting will mainly only have an effect when moving from one part of the infill to the other. Stringing will not be visible, but retractions are still beneficial here since they will ensure that the nozzle is primed when it starts printing the next infill line.</p>\n<p>This should normally be set to a large distance, since otherwise it may lead to too frequent retraction which can cause jamming.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 20 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)<br />\n</p>\n<h1>Retract When Changing Islands</h1>\n<p>Islands are two areas of a layer which are not connected. If this option is on, then a retraction will be performed when the nozzle is traveling from one island to another. This setting takes precedence over <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#minimum-travel-requiring-retract' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#minimum-travel-requiring-retract'>Minimum Travel Requiring Retraction</a> but not <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#minimum-extrusion-requiring-retract' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#minimum-extrusion-requiring-retract'>Minimum Extrusion Requiring Retraction</a>.</p>\n<p>Stringing primarily occurs when traveling between islands, so it is recommended to always have this option turned on.</p>\n<p>This picture shows a layer with two islands. The red and blue circles indicate retraction and unretraction happening as the nozzle travels between them.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> On<br />\n</p>\n<h1>Minimum Extrusion Requiring Retraction</h1>\n<p>This setting is used to control how frequently retractions are allowed to occur. Performing retractions too frequently can cause underextrusion (due to the nozzle not being fully primed) or jamming. This setting ensures that a certain amount of filament gets extruded before the next retraction is allowed to occur. This setting takes precedence over both <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#minimum-travel-requiring-retract' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#minimum-travel-requiring-retract'>Minimum Travel Requiring Retraction</a> and <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#retract-when-changing-isla' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#retract-when-changing-isla'>Retract When Changing Islands</a>.</p>\n<p>This setting should be set to the smallest length possible. If you have confidence in your hot end and extruder, then you can set it to 0. However if you notice your printer has trouble keeping when retractions happen frequently, then you should try increasing this setting in increments of 0.01 mm.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0.05 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Length on Tool Change</h1>\n<p><em>This option is only available if your printer has multiple extruders</em></p>\n<p>This is the distance that the filament will be retracted when switching from one extruder to another. You may want this to be longer than your normal retraction distance so that the filament is completely removed from the melt zone.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 6.0 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Extra Length After Tool Change</h1>\n<p><em>This option is only available if your printer has multiple extruders</em></p>\n<p>Similar to <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/#extra-length-on-rest' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/#extra-length-on-rest'>Extra Length on Restart</a>, this option allows you to extrude extra material after a tool change has occurred. This allows you to compensate for any leakage that may have occurred while the nozzle was inactive. It is recommended to use this option in combination with a <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/filament/../general/extruder-cha' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/extruder-cha'>wipe tower or wipe shield</a> to prevent it from depositing a blob on your print.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 2.0 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>", "path": "slice-settings/filament/retraction", "title": "Retraction", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<ul>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/general/general' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general'>General/n
Extruder Change</a></li>\n</ul>", "path": "slice-settings/general/index", "title": "General", "children": [{"content": "<p>Infill is the area of a print inside the perimeters. The main infill settings are in the <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/general/general' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general'>General section.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/general/general#fill-dens' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general#fill-dens'>Fill Density</a></li>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/general/general#infill-t' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general#infill-t'>Infill Type</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>This section includes advanced infill settings.</p>\n<h1>Starting Angle</h1>\n<p>The angle of the infill pattern relative to the X axis. This applies to sparse infill (the pattern on the inside of the print) and dense infill (used for the solid top/bottom layers). Every other solid layer will be offset by 90\u00b0. This angle is not used when bridging.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 45\u00b0 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> degrees CCW from the X axis (\u00b0)</p>\n<h1>Infill Overlap</h1>\n<p>The amount the infill lines will push into the perimeter. Helps ensure that there are no gaps between the fill and the perimeters. Too much of an overlap can cause blobs or other artifacts on the surface of your print.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 50% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm) or percent of nozzle diameter (%)</p>\n<h1>Fill Thin Gaps</h1>\n<p>When the space between perimeters is very small (less than one nozzle diameter wide), it is not possible to fill it with normal infill. The Fill Thin Gaps feature will attempt to fill these areas with an underextruded line.</p>\n<p>These pictures show a thin rectangle printed with Fill Thin Gaps off and on.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span><br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> On</p>", "path": "slice-settings/general/infill", "title": "Infill", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1>Layer Thickness</h1>\n<p>The height of each layer of the print, except the first. A smaller number will create more layers and more vertical accuracy but also a slower print.</p>\n<p>The Layer Thickness is exactly that \u2013 the height of each individual layer of plastic that will be printed. Most FFF style 3D printers offer layer heights between .1mm - .4mm. Don\u2019t know what height you should print at? This picture shows the difference between various layer heights.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>It\u2019s difficult to see layer lines at .1mm whereas the layer lines are plainly visible at .35mm. With these frogs, the .35mm frog took approximately 40 minutes to print. The .1mm frog took 3.5 hours. The first thing you need to decide is what surface quality do you want. If you want a high quality, smooth finish, you will need to print small layer heights. If surface finish isn\u2019t important and you want to print quickly, larger layer heights work great.</p>\n<p>If you\u2019re unsure of what height to start with, .20mm offers a good combination of surface finish and print time for most prints.</p>\n<p>It\u2019s important to note that low layer heights (< .15mm) require excellent bed leveling and machine calibration in order to successfully print.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0.2 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<p><strong>Warning:</strong> The layer thickness cannot exceed the diameter of your nozzle.</p>\n<h1>First Layer Thickness</h1>\n<p>The thickness of the first layer of the print. A first layer thicker than the default layer height can ensure good adhesion to the build plate, since it means more material will be extruded and more material provides more bed adhesion. A thicker first layer also allows for more variation in the height of the bed.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0.3 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm) or percent of normal Layer Thickness (%)</p>\n<h1>Perimeters</h1>\n<p>Perimeters are the loops that form the outer walls of your print. These are sometimes also referred to as shells. This cube has 3 perimeters.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>Perimeters bear most of the load that an object is under. Adding more perimeters will make a print stronger than increasing the fill density.</p>\n<p>Perimeters are generally printed at a slower speed than infill. Often, most of your print time will be spent doing perimeters. You may consider using fewer perimeters to speed up the print.</p>\n<p>This can be specified as count or as thickness in millimeters (mm). For instance, if you set the perimeters to 1.0 mm, then enough loops will be created to make the walls 1 mm thick.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 3 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> count or millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Top Solid Layers</h1>\n<p>These are the layers that form a solid surface on the top of the print. </p>\n<p>If you are using thinner layers then more top layers will be required to form a solid surface with no gaps. For this reason, we recommend specifying a thickness in millimeters (mm) instead of a number of layers.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0.8 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> count or millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Bottom Solid Layers</h1>\n<p>These are the layers that form a solid surface on the bottom of the print. Generally fewer bottom layers are required than top layers, since the bottom layers do not have to bridge over the infill.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 0.6 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> count or millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Fill Density</h1>\n<p>3D prints are hardly ever done completely solid. Instead, they are partially hollow with a pattern on the inside. This inside area is called the infill. You can choose the density of the infill pattern, from 0% (completely hollow) to 100% (completely solid).</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span><br />\n<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>More infill will make a print stronger, but it will also use more material and take longer to print. Generally it is advised to use as little infill as possible. Most parts will be fully functional with about 10 - 15% percent infill. For very large prints you should try to go even lower than that.</p>\n<p>Usually to have a strong part, you only need about 35% infill. In general, there isn\u2019t much strength benefit beyond 50%.</p>\n<p>If you wish to make your print completely solid, we do not advise going above 85 - 90% infill. Beyond this we have noticed a tendency for prints to be overfilled. A better method for making completely solid prints is to use a very large number of perimeter loops.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 20% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> percentage (ex. 20%) or decimal (ex. 0.20)</p>\n<h1>Infill Type</h1>\n<p>The geometric pattern used for the infill. Triangle infill uses the most efficient path, which makes it the fastest to print. It is also generally the strongest pattern. However some of the other patterns (like the hexagon) are more aesthetically pleasing. You might choose these if your infill will be visible, for instance if you are using a translucent filament. Lines or concentric infill are also better when using exceptionally high fill densities (> 50%).</p>\n<p>This article has more information on <a href="">MatterControl's optimized hexagonal infill</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> Triangles <br />\n<strong>Options:</strong><br />\n<em> Grid<br />\n</em> Triangles<br />\n<em> Hexagon<br />\n</em> Lines<br />\n* Concentric</p>", "path": "slice-settings/general/general", "title": "General", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1>Avoid Crossing Perimeters</h1>\n<p>Prevents the nozzle from crossing outside of the perimeters when it is traveling from one place to another. This can significantly improve the surface finish of your part by reducing stringing and other extrusion artifacts.</p>\n<p>This shows a ring sliced with Avoid Crossing Perimeters off and on. The green lines are travel moves which would likely form strings in the final print.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>For especially complicated shapes it may be difficult for the slicer to find an efficient path. In those cases you might consider turning this option off.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> On</p>\n<h1>External Perimeters First</h1>\n<p>By default, the inner perimeters are printed first and the outermost perimeter loop is printed last. This ensures that the nozzle is fully primed when printing the outer loop, reducing surface artifacts.</p>\n<p>This option will instead print the outer loop first, then the inner loops. In some cases this can improve dimensional accuracy, however it increases the risk of artifacts on the outer surface.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> Off</p>\n<h1>Start End Overlap</h1>\n<p>This is the amount of overlap between the start and end of the perimeter loops. It is expressed as a percentage of the nozzle diameter. These pictures show 0%, 50%, and 100% overlap.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>You can tune this setting in order to minimize the visibility of the perimeter seam. No overlap means there will be a slight gap between the start and end of the loop. Too much overlap and there will be a small bump instead of a gap.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 75% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> percent of nozzle diameter (%)</p>\n<h1>Merge Overlapping Lines</h1>\n<p>In very thin sections of a model it is possible for the perimeter loops to cross over each other. This results in a line of plastic being laid down twice in the same spot. The Merge Overlapping Lines feature detects when perimeter loops cross over each other, and replaces them with a single fatter line. These pictures show a thin section of a print with Merge Overlapping Lines turned off and turned on.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>In order to preserve the quality of the outer surface, Merge Overlapping Lines only applies to inner perimeter loops, not the outer loops.</p>\n<h1>Expand Thin Walls</h1>\n<p>3D printers cannot print anything thinner than the nozzle diameter (0.4 mm on most printers). This means that some models with intricate details may not print correctly since they have features smaller than the nozzle. Expand Thin Walls identifies these parts of the model and expands them in order to make them printable.</p>\n<p>This problem is often encountered when trying to print text. Here is how some text in a cursive font will print with Expand Thin Walls turned off and on.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> On</p>", "path": "slice-settings/general/layers-surface", "title": "Layers / Surface", "children": []}, {"content": "<p><em>This section is only available if your printer has multiple extruders</em></p>\n<h1>Wipe Shield Distance</h1>\n<p>A wipe shield (or ooze shield) is a wall around your print. It protects the print from plastic leaking from the inactive nozzle while the other nozzle is printing. When the nozzle passes over the shield, any plastic drooling from it is wiped off.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>A wipe shield is mainly necessary for printers with fixed dual extruders. If the printer has an independent extruder system then the wipe shield is not necessary.</p>\n<p>This setting controls how far the wipe shield will be from the print. If set to <code>0</code>, the wipe shield will not be printed at all. The wipe shield will also not be printed if only one extruder is being used.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 3 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Wipe Tower Distance</h1>\n<p>A wipe tower (or prime tower) is a structure used to prime the nozzle after switching extruders.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>When switching from one extruder to another, the nozzle will go over to the tower and fill it in. This ensures that the nozzle is fully primed and leaking plastic is cleaned off before it does the actual print.</p>\n<p>This setting specifies how wide the tower will be. If set to <code>0</code>, the tower will not be printed at all. The tower will also not be printed if only one extruder is being used.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 10 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>", "path": "slice-settings/general/extruder-change", "title": "Extruder Change", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<ul>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/speed' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/speed'>Speed
/n", "path": "slice-settings/speed/index", "title": "Speed", "children": [{"content": "<p>Cooling is very important for print quality. If a layer does not have enough time to cool and harden before the next one starts printing, then it will deform. In order to prevent this, MatterControl can slow down the printing speed of layers which would normally take very little time to print. This gives the layer more time to harden. It increases the time it takes to print small objects but it can also substantially improve print quality.</p>\n<p>If you have inadequate cooling it will be most apparent on overhangs and sharp corners. Overhangs will tend to curl up and become very messy underneath. Sharp corners will become rounded and blunt.</p>\n<p>These settings control when layers are slowed down and by how much. In addition to the cooling slowdown, you should also use a <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../filament/' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/'>layer cooling fan</a> if your printer is equipped with one.</p>\n<p>Note: The slicer will not change the speeds by more than 10% from one layer to another. This is to prevent a velocity painting effect. Abrupt changes in speed can make layers look different from each other. This is why you may notice it takes a couple of layers for the speed to ramp up or down.</p>\n<h1>Slow Down If Layer Print Time Is Below</h1>\n<p>The minimum amount of time a layer must take to print. If a layer takes less time than this, then all printing speeds will be slowed down until the layer takes at least this much time.</p>\n<p>This setting is heavily material dependent. Some materials need lots of time to cool while others do not need any.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline for PLA:</strong> 30 s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> seconds (s)</p>\n<h1>Minimum Print Speed</h1>\n<p>The minimum speed that the printer can go when the layer is slowed down for cooling. The slicer will try to slow the printer so that each layer takes the minimum layer time (above), but it will not slow any print speeds lower than this speed.</p>\n<p>This prevents the printer from going so slow that the plastic is not extruded consistently.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 15 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>min_print_speed</code></p>", "path": "slice-settings/speed/cooling", "title": "Cooling", "children": []}, {"content": "<p><em>The following settings are only available if you are using a laser powered SLA (stereolithography) printer.</em></p>\n<p>With laser SLA printers, the printing speed and the laser power are both used to control how much light the resin is exposed to. Different types of resin require different amounts of light in order to cure.</p>\n<p>Thinner layers can be printed faster, since they have less material to cure. Thicker layers must be printed slower.</p>\n<p>MatterControl chooses the correct speed based on your layer height. The settings let you specify the speed that works best for your resin at two common layer heights (25 microns and 100 micros). If your layer height is different from these two, the speed is interpolated between them.</p>\n<h1>Speed at 0.025 Height</h1>\n<p>This is the speed the laser point will travel when the layer thickness is 0.025 mm (25 microns).</p>\n<p>The actual speed will be calculated based on your layer thickness, by interpolating between this and the speed at 0.1 mm.</p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> mm/s</p>\n<h1>Speed at 0.1 Height</h1>\n<p>This is the speed the laser point will travel when the layer thickness is 0.100 mm (100 microns).</p>\n<p>The actual speed will be calculated based on your layer thickness, by interpolating between this and the speed at 0.025 mm.</p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> mm/s</p>\n<h1>Initial Layer Speed</h1>\n<p>See <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/speed#initial-layer-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/speed#initial-layer-sp'>Initial Layer Speed</a>.</p>\n<h1>Travel</h1>\n<p>See <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/speed#tra' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/speed#tra'>Travel</a>.</p>\n<h1>Initial Layers</h1>\n<p>The number of layers at the beginning of the print which will be printed slower than the others.</p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> count or millimeters (mm)</p>", "path": "slice-settings/speed/sla-speed", "title": "SLA Printer Speeds", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1>Initial Layer Speed</h1>\n<p>The speed at which the nozzle will move when printing the first layer. The first layer typically requires slower than normal print speeds for best bed adhesion. This affects the first layer of the print as well as the first layer of the raft, if there is one.</p>\n<p>For SLA printers this speed can be applied to more than just the first layer. See <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/sla-speed#initial-lay' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/sla-speed#initial-lay'>Initial Layers</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 20 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) or percent of <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/#infill-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/#infill-sp'>infill speed</a> (%) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>first_layer_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Infill</h1>\n<p>The speed at which <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../general/infill' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/infill'>infill will print. Infill can be printed faster than any other part of the print. Most other speeds can be specified as a percentage of the infill speed. Generally when people refer to a print being done at a certain speed, they are referring to the infill speed.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 60 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>infill_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Top Solid Infill</h1>\n<p>This is the speed used for the infill on the last of the <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../general/general#top-solid-lay' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general#top-solid-lay'>top solid layers</a>. This can be done slower than the regular infill in order to improve the quality of the surface finish.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 75% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) or percent of <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/#infill-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/#infill-sp'>infill speed</a> (%)</p>\n<h1>Raft</h1>\n<p>The speed used for printing a <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../adhesion/raft' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/adhesion/raft'>raft, if you are using one. The first layer of the raft will still be printed at the <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/#initial-layer-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/#initial-layer-sp'>initial layer speed</a>. This setting only applies to the other layers.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 30 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) or percent of <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/#infill-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/#infill-sp'>infill speed</a> (%)</p>\n<h1>Inside Perimeters</h1>\n<p>The speed of the inner <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../general/general#perimet' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general#perimet'>perimeter loops</a>, if you have more than one perimeter. These are not visible when the print is finished. They can generally be printed faster than the outer perimeter, but should probably be slightly slower than infill.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 50 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>perimeter_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Outside Perimeter</h1>\n<p>Perhaps the most important speed setting. This is the speed for the outermost perimeter loop, which is what you see and feel when a print is complete. We recommend printing slow in order to ensure the best quality. It doesn\u2019t add much print time to print slow outside perimeters, but can significantly improve print quality and surface finish.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 75% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) or percent of <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/#inside-perimet' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/#inside-perimet'>inside perimeter speed</a> (%) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>external_perimeter_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Support Material</h1>\n<p>The speed at which <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../support/support' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/support'>support material</a> structures will print. You may wish to print this slower than the infill speed in order to ensure that the support structures are sturdy and do not break or fall over during printing.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 40 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>support_material_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Bridges</h1>\n<p>Bridges are sections of a print which have nothing underneath them, but are supported on either side.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>These parts can be printed without the use of support material because the plastic can be drawn from one side to the other like a spider web. Longer bridges are obviously more difficult than shorter bridges, but it is not uncommon to bridge up to 50 mm with good results.</p>\n<p>Bridging is tricky. In order for it to work the bridge needs to be printed at the right speed, and there must be adequate cooling. In addition, your material, temperature, nozzle diameter, and layer thickness all have an effect. Some materials print better with slow bridge speeds and some print better quickly.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline for PLA:</strong> 25 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>bridge_speed</code> <br />\n<strong>See Also:</strong> <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../filament/fan#bridging-fan-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/fan#bridging-fan-sp'>Bridging Fan Speed</a>, <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/#bridge-over-inf' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/#bridge-over-inf'>Bridge Over Infill</a></p>\n<h1>Travel</h1>\n<p>The speed the nozzle will go when moving from one part of the print to another, without extruding material. The travel speed is one of the most important settings for reducing stringing and oozing. This should be set as fast as your printer can go. 80 mm/s is safe for most printers, however many printers (such as deltas or others with bowden extruders) can go as high as 200 mm/s.</p>\n<p>Since travel moves are the fastest moves the printer makes, they are the most likely to cause layer shifting. If you are experiencing layer shifting you may consider reducing the travel speed.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 80 mm/s <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters per second (mm/s) <br />\n<strong>G-Code Replacement Variable:</strong> <code>travel_speed</code></p>\n<h1>Bridge Over Infill</h1>\n<p>When this setting is on, <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/#brid' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/#brid'>bridging speed</a> and <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../filament/fan#bridging-fan-sp' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/filament/fan#bridging-fan-sp'>fan</a> settings will be used when printing the first solid top layer over infill. This setting will reduce the number of <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../general/general#top-solid-lay' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general#top-solid-lay'>top solid layers</a> you need in order to have a smooth top surface with no gaps. This is especially true if you have a low <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/speed/../general/general#fill-dens' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/general/general#fill-dens'>fill density</a>, so there are large spaces in the infill pattern.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> On</p>", "path": "slice-settings/speed/speed", "title": "Speed", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<ul>\n<li><a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/support/support' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/support'>Support/n
/n", "path": "slice-settings/support/index", "title": "Support", "children": [{"content": "<h1>Create Perimeter</h1>\n<p>Generates a shell around the supports. This gives the support more structure and makes it stronger. Depending on your print, this can make the supports easier or harder to remove.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> On</p>\n<h1>Interface Layers</h1>\n<p>Interface layers go at the top of the supports. They are solid layers that provide a flat surface for the object to be printed on top of. Using interface layers will give you a smoother bottom surface on your print, but may make the supports more difficult to remove, especially in tight areas.</p>\n<p>This setting controls how many interface layers are used (if any). You can specify it in a number of layers or as a thickness in millimeters.</p>\n<p>If using interface layers, it is especially important to have a well tuned <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/support/#air-' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/#air-'>air gap</a>, otherwise you will not be able to remove the interface layers from your print.</p>\n<p>If you have a multi extrusion printer, you can use the <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/support/#support-interface-extru' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/#support-interface-extru'>support interface extruder</a> setting to choose which material the interface layers are printed with.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 2 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> count or millimeters (mm) <br />\n<strong>See Also:</strong> <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/support/support-interface-extru' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/support-interface-extru'>Support Interface Extruder</a></p>\n<h1>X and Y Distance</h1>\n<p>The space between the side of the support structures and the side of the print. This should be large enough that the sides of the supports are not touching and bonding with the object. This ensures that only the top of the support structures are touching the print, ensuring that they are easy to remove.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 2 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Air Gap</h1>\n<p>The air gap is the space between the top of the support material and the bottom of the print. Air gap is the most critical support material setting, since it controls how well the support structures will stick to your print.</p>\n<p>The larger the air gap, the easier it will be to remove the support material. However, it will also make the bottom surface of your print messier. A smaller air gap will give a smoother, higher quality bottom surface, but also make the support material harder to remove.</p>\n<p>Choosing the right air gap requires a lot of experimentation, and it is heavily dependent on the material you are printing. Materials that typically haver stronger interlayer adhesion, like PLA, will require a larger air gap.</p>\n<p>Unlike other slicers, which simply skip layers, MatterControl takes a unique approach to the air gap. For the first layer of the print above the support material, the nozzle is lifted by the air gap distance. Since the nozzle is higher than it normally would be for that layer, the plastic falls a short distance onto the support material below, and cools a little while it is falling. By adjusting the air gap, you can precisely control how much the plastic cools while it falls and thus how well it sticks to the support material below.</p>\n<p>For subsequent layers, the nozzle drops back down to the height it would be at otherwise. The air gap only affects the part of the first layer that is directly above the support material. Other parts of the layer will be printed at the normal height.</p>\n<p>This animation shows the air gap in action. Remember that even though the first layer of the print appears to be in the middle of a higher layer, in reality the plastic will just fall down onto the support below.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>If you are using dissolvable support material, then the air gap should be 0. This ensures that the supports will be bonded properly and you will get the smoothest surface finish after they are dissolved.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline for PLA:</strong> 0.6 mm <br />\n<strong>Recommended Baseline for ABS:</strong> 0.4 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Support Type</h1>\n<p>The geometric pattern to use for the support structures. Lines is the most common pattern and makes the support easier to remove, however Grid provides more structure.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> Lines <br />\n<strong>Options:</strong><br />\n<em> Lines<br />\n</em> Grid</p>\n<h1>Pattern Spacing</h1>\n<p>The space between the lines of the support pattern. A smaller spacing will make the support pattern more dense. Generally you want this to be as large as possible so that it is easier to break apart the supports. Making the support structures less dense will also reduce the amount of material wasted and make the print take less time. However, it will also cause more sagging on the bottom of the print. This should be close to your printer's maximum <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/support/../speed/speed#brid' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/speed#brid'>bridging</a> distance.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 8 mm <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> millimeters (mm)</p>\n<h1>Infill Angle</h1>\n<p>The angle at which the support material lines will be drawn, relative to the X axis.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 45\u00b0 <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> degrees CCW from the X axis (\u00b0)</p>\n<h1>Support Material Extruder</h1>\n<p><em>This option is only available if your printer has multiple extruders</em></p>\n<p>Allows you to choose which material is used for printing the support structures. This allows you to use dissolvable support material in multi-extrusion printers.</p>\n<p>Dissolvable support materials (like PVA and HIPS) are preferable because they are easier to remove and leave behind a completely smooth surface. They also allow you print more complex and intricate shapes, because the material can be dissolved out of areas that you would not be able to break it out of by hand.</p>\n<p>Extruders are numbered starting with 1.</p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> extruder index</p>\n<h1>Support Interface Extruder</h1>\n<p><em>This option is only available if your printer has multiple extruders</em></p>\n<p>Allows you to choose which material is used for printing the <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/support/#interface-lay' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/support/#interface-lay'>interface layers</a>. This allows you to conserve dissolvable support material by using it only for the interface layers instead of for the entire support structure.</p>\n<p>Extruders are numbered starting with 1.</p>\n<p><strong>Units:</strong> extruder index</p>", "path": "slice-settings/support/advanced", "title": "Advanced", "children": []}, {"content": "<p>Support material is used to hold up parts of your print while it is being printed. The printer cannot print structures in midair, since the plastic will just fall down to the bed. So any parts of your print with nothing below will require support material to hold them up.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>Support structures are designed to be removed once the print is completed.</p>\n<p>Support is required on overhangs more than a certain angle and where <a class='article-link' data-path='slice-settings/support/../speed/speed#bridg' href='/mattercontrol/support/slice-settings/speed/speed#bridg'>bridging</a> is not possible.</p>\n<p>Support structures can be generated automatically, or you can use the design tools to create support structures manually. This allows you to place the support only where you want it.</p>\n<h1>Adding Supports</h1>\n<p>Supports can be added, then edited by clicking the supports button in the toolbar then the Generate within the drop down. Once supports have been added they can be deleted or moved at any time.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='Generating Supports' alt='Generating Supports' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p>It is worth noting that you can also create custom geometry and turn int into support by clicking the support button rather than the drop down arrow.</p>\n<h1>Analyze Every Layer</h1>\n<p>If you have used supports in an older version of MatterControl and want the behavior of them generating in every place that they might be needed you can enable this is the Slice Settings. Under Support turn on Analyze Every Layer and if there are no manual supports in the scene you will have the old behavior of fully automatic supports in the scene. The details below will give you more information about controlling supports while in this mode.</p>\n<h2>Support Everywhere</h2>\n<p>When this option is off, support structures will only be created where the bottom of the support will be touching the bed. When this option is on, supports will be created everywhere, including places where the bottom of the support is on top of part of the print.</p>\n<p>These pictures show Support Everywhere off and on.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span> <span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> Off</p>\n<h2>Support Percent</h2>\n<p>This controls the amount of support material that will be generated. It is similar to the support angle setting in other slicers.</p>\n<p>The support percent threshold controls how little overlap there can be between lines on one layer and the layer below. If there is not enough overlap, then support is created in that area.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<p><strong>0%</strong> means that support will only be created in areas where the lines do not overlap the layer below. Note that even though the setting is 0, support will still be created.</p>\n<p><strong>50%</strong> means that support will be created in areas where the lines have 50% or less overlap with the layer below.</p>\n<p><strong>100%</strong> means that support will be created everywhere no matter how much overlap there is.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommended Baseline:</strong> 30% <br />\n<strong>Units:</strong> percent of extrusion width</p>", "path": "slice-settings/support/support", "title": "Support", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<h1>Exporting a printer profile</h1>\n<p>Choose <strong>Export</strong> from the overflow menu (<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span>) in the upper right corner of the screen. Your complete printer profile will be saved as a <code>.printer</code> file. This includes all of the following information.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Slice settings</li>\n<li>Printer settings</li>\n<li>Quality & Material presets</li>\n<li>Manual control settings</li>\n<li>G-Code Macros</li>\n<li>Calibration data</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>Importing a printer profile</h1>\n<p>Go to the <strong>Start</strong> tab and click on the import printer button next to the printer list. Choose a <code>.printer</code> file.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>\n<h1>Importing presets</h1>\n<p>Presets are not saved on their own, but they can be imported from a printer profile. Choose <strong>Import Presets</strong> from the overflow menu (<span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span>) in the upper right corner of the screen. Then choose a <code>.printer</code> file. You will be given the option to select one of the quality or material presets from that printer profile.</p>\n<p><span><img src='' title='' alt='' onload='imageLoaded(this)' data-image-loaded='false'></span></p>", "path": "slice-settings/import-and-export", "title": "Importing and Exporting Settings", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1>What is the optimal layer height?</h1>\n<p>In reality, there is no \u201cperfect\u201d layer height. It all depends on what kind of print you are going for. If you want a print with a smooth finish and very fine details, you want a layer height of 0.1 - 0.2. If you want something a little rougher, perhaps a part in a bigger assembly, a layer height of .21 - 0.3 is more suited to your needs. You can of course have a larger layer height, but you cannot make a layer higher than the diameter of the nozzle.</p>\n<h1>How much infill should I use?</h1>\n<p>The amount of infill in your part directly relates to how solid it is. Would you like a completely solid part? 100% infill is what you need. Something hollow? 0% infill will leave you with nothing but the outside layers. Usually to have a strong part, you only need about 35% infill. Most parts will be fully functional with about 15% percent infill. For really big parts, a smaller percentage is recommended, as increasing it unnecessarily can waste materials and increase print time.</p>\n<h1>How do I stop the fan from coming on during printing?</h1>\n<p>Set both the Minimum Fan Speed and Maximum Fan Speed to 0.</p>\n<h1>What does support material do?</h1>\n<p>When you check the Generate Support Material box, your print will contain support material. This is used to provide support in areas of a design that are otherwise suspended in the air, such as a bridge or a ledge. The properties will change depending on which slice engine you use.</p>\n<h1>What is the the optimal temperature for printing?</h1>\n<p>That all depends on the type of filament you are using. The right temperature can also be affected by the filament dye, and manufacturer. Here is the recommended starting point for each filament:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>PLA</strong> 190-210\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>ABS</strong> 220-240\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>PET</strong> 240-250\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>NYLON</strong> 240-250\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>LAYWOOD</strong> 175-250\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>LAYBRICK</strong> 165-210\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>SOFT PLA/BENDLAY/TPE</strong> 220-235\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>GLOW IN THE DARK PLA</strong> 185-205\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>PVA</strong> 170-190\u00b0C</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Using these guidelines, you can find a temperature that works for your particular filament. You can also use these to configure your temperature presets.</p>\n<h1>What is the optimal temperature for the heated bed?</h1>\n<p>Again, this depends on the filament that you\u2019re using. Here are the recommended starting points.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>PLA</strong> 70-80\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>ABS/NYLON</strong> 100-120\u00b0C</li>\n<li><strong>SOFT PLA/BENDLAY/TPE</strong> 65-85\u00b0C</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Using these guidelines, you can find a temperature that works for your particular filament. You can also use these to configure your temperature presets.</p>", "path": "slice-settings/settings-faq", "title": "Settings FAQ", "children": []}]}, {"content": "<h1>Is MatterControl compatible with my 3D printer?</h1>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p>This mainly depends on the language your printer speaks. Currently, MatterControl supports two languages for communicating with the printer; G-Code and S3G/X3G. G-Code is the standard language used by RepRaps and most other printers. S3G is a condensed language used by Makerbot and Flashforge. Most consumer 3D printers speak G-Code.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>In addition, you will need appropriate slice settings for your printer. MatterControl has built in profiles for many printers. A link to the complete list can be found below. If your printer is not on the list, don't worry. You will just need to fill in the settings yourself. Obtain specifications from the manufacturer and input them into MatterControl under <code>Settings & Controls -> Settings -> Printer</code> as well as a few under <code>Settings & Controls -> Settings -> Filament</code>.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Some newer G-Code printers are using intermediary boards to run web servers in order to control the prints. These printers, while they do speak G-Code, are not able to be controlled directly by MatterControl. G-Code generated in MatterControl can still be sent to the printer using its web-based interface.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>LINK: <a href="\">Known compatible printers list.</a></p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>Why are my objects the wrong scale?</h1>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p>STL files do not store any information about what units their dimensions are in. MatterControl (and all other 3D printing software) expects the dimensions in STL files to be given in mm. Most CAD software, though, will export STL files with whatever units they were designed in (usually inches). Thus, when you bring your designs into MatterControl they will be the wrong scale.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>The best solutions is to figure out how to get your design software to export STL files in millimeters. In SolidWorks, for instance, the Save As dialog has an Options button, that allows you to set many parameters for exporting an STL.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>If you cannot get your design software to do this, though, you can still rescale the part once you have it in MatterControl. View the part in 3D View, then enter Edit mode and choose SCALE from the bar on the right. A drop down menu offers many common conversion factors, or, axis dimension specifications can be entered directly in the appropriate fields.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h1>How do I clear the application data?</h1>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p>If you are having a problem with MatterControl that is not fixed by re-installing, you may need to delete some of the data that MatterControl saves on your computer. This data will persist, even if MatterControl is uninstalled so remove that folder if you want to completely reset MatterControl to a clean slate. You can also temporarily rename the SQLite database file (MatterControl.db) to see if your settings are the cause of a problem.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Windows</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>MatterControl keeps the user's library and settings in C:Users{user}AppDataLocalMatterControl.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Mac</p>\n</li>\n<li>The user's data library and settings are in ~/.local/share/MatterControl. This is a hidden folder in your user's home folder.</li>\n</ul>", "path": "frequently-asked-questions", "title": "Frequently asked Questions", "children": []}, {"content": "<h1>Issue Reporting</h1>\n<p>If you find a bug or a problem with MatterControl, or you wish to make a suggestion to improve the product, please file an issue on our <a href="">GitHub page.</p>\n<h1>Forum</h1>\n<p>Visit the <a href="">MatterHackers forum</a> for lots of great information about 3D printing and MatterControl:</p>\n<h1>Articles</h1>\n<p>Browse through the MatterControl <a href="">Information Articles</a>:</p>\n<h1>Support</h1>\n<p>If you don't find what you need in the articles or forums, have look at our <a class='article-link' data-path='get-support' href='/mattercontrol/support/get-support'>support page</a></p>\n<p>Thanks for your support.</p>", "path": "get-support", "title": "Getting More Help", "children": []}]}" id="article-data-tree">